How to Price Your Products for Profit: A Guide for Mini Market Retailers

A Guide for Mini Market Retailers

1. Understand Your Costs

  • Cost of Goods Sold (COGS): Cost of Goods Sold (COGS): The money you provide your suppliers for the goods you distribute to your customers. It is from here that you are able to determine your selling price.
  • Operating Expenses: Operating Expenses: These are the general expenses such as cost of rent, electricity, salaries of employees, and other expenses that are incurred with the running of the business premises. Since most of such costs are not directly proportional to the price of products, it is important for your business to factor them in your pricing model.
  • Taxes and Fees: You need to make sure that aspects like the collection of sales taxes, credit card processing fees among other related expenses should also be considered in the prices you set.

Once you understand these costs, then you have to determine the minimum amount that you can set as your price to make a break-even.

2. Determine Your Profit Margin

Profit margin is calculated the amount of money that is received for each sale and what proportion of that goes to your profit once all costs have been deducted. The acceptable level of profit depends on the type of business and according to the research the mini market sellers are expected to have a profit margin of 20-35% depending on the type of product. For instance, products that have elements of perishability such as fresh milk and fruits will normally have a low margin due to the risk of perishing while on the other hand non-perishable goods can comfortably give a high markup.

To calculate your selling price based on a target profit margin, use the following formula:

For instance, if you wish to make 30 percent of gross profit out of an item that costs you $ 2, the selling price should be:

Selling Price= 2/10.30= 2/0.70 = $2.86

3. Research Your Competitors

4. Consider the Value Perception

5. Use Psychological Pricing

  • Charm Pricing: Offering products at marginal prices, close to round numbers (e. g. $2. 99 instead of $3) makes the item to look cheaper.
  • Bundle Pricing: One tactic that can make consumers buy more than they planned is if there is an offer to buy a number of products at a slightly reduced rate in comparison with the prices if they were bought separately. For instance, selling two items at $5 instead of selling each item separately at $3 and giving a perception that one has received more value for his or her money.
  • Loss Leader Pricing: Reducing the prices of several items significantly cheaper than the competitors’ prices will attract the customers into the store, where they will be persuaded into buying other products with better profit margins.

6.   Sales and Adjust Prices

7. Take into consideration, Seasonal and Promotional Prices

One thing to take note is that pricing doesn’t have to be fixed for your business. Pricing strategies may need to be switched depending with the different seasons and special promotions which arise. For instance, you could plan to provide a cut-price for some items of merchandise when it is festive period in order to increase patronage. On the other hand, a little price raising during the peak season (for instance, during the beginning of a new term or in the summer) on the clients’ most preferred products will also be reasonable.

Promotional activities such as making a product available for a limited time or offering discounts to buyers who purchase many of your products are other ways of attracting traffic without having to permanently change price.


The formula to determine prices that will make the product profitable is not as simple as it looks, it can also be said that it has element of arts. Knowing your costs, setting a proper gross and net margin, studying the opponents’ actions and employing effective pricing strategies guarantees that your mini market will be successful and would be able to attract more customers. Take into cognizance the sales figures and the general market standards in relation to the prices of similar products and services, and adopt a revision of price list that is consistent and designed to continually meet these standards. If you do it right, your mini market will be both profitable and customer-friendly so you can sustain the success in the long run.




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